Kontaktieren Sie Prospettive Perspectives - Parcours artistiques dans la vallée de la Roya : "Lettres tombées à Nocé" par Stéphanie Nava
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- Wasserseite
- It is located at the foot of Saorge, in the Gorges de Nocé, where there are two monumental inscriptions commemorating the creation of the Nice - Turin royal road in the 17th century. One of the two plaques, carved into the wall, is still visible, while the other was destroyed during the French Revolution. Lettres tombées à Nocé" (Letters that fell in Nocé) is an installation that evokes this disappearance, and is located close to the old road that was partially washed away by Storm Alex. A phrase in metal letters (like those on the lost inscription) is affixed to the surviving wall, visible from the D6204 road at the northern entrance to the tunnel.